Nate Eix, CFP®

Financial Advisor

Ball State University, BS, Finance


Industry experience:
5.5 Years

How does Nate Use Commas?

  • Save for our first home purchase
  • Travel with my wife to new locations
  • Build my wealth for retirement
  • Understand how much money I can comfortably spend

The Latest from Nate

Commas Advisor Nate’s Budgeting Approach
Financial Planning for Vacations

Nate’s Story

With a focus on helping harness their full savings potential, Nate guides clients in making informed decisions about their financial future. As one part of a complete financial picture, he identifies optimal strategies for allocating savings, whether it’s towards a 401k, Roth IRA, college savings, home purchase, or other financial goals. Nate takes pride in assisting clients in creating a reverse budget, allowing them to spend money guilt-free after achieving their targets.  

Outside of work, Nate enjoys spending quality time with his wife and their Golden Irish puppy, Ruby. Having recently moved to Charlotte, NC, they are enjoying exploring the city, trying new foods, and taking advantage of the nearby mountains and beaches. Joining the Pickleball craze is one of their recent shared hobbies. 


Goal setting, comprehensive planning, retirement projections, investing

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